Category Archives: Uncategorized

Let’s go out into the world…


Sometimes we forget how to talk to one another…
Sometimes we forget how to co-exist…

So let’s not forget to look up from our phones, shut down that display,
take in your surroundings, and make the most of today!!!

Look Up is a spoken word film by Gary Turk

word of the day…simplicity


Life surprises me every day more…
Today i checked the blog after ages hoping to find any post from you and nothing could be better than dreaming about us in a car, no directions, no hurries, nothing but you and me sharing time and magic.
I had this song in mind in this days and i think it perfectly represents my feelings right now.
So, here to you.
I’m learning every day more that simplicity is the main ingredient for happiness and sharing simple things with you makes them incredible.
Have a great day!

a windmill in the middle of the sea…


a windmill in the middle of the sea...

Few days ago, I started to drive and Iended up in this magical place… and I though about you!
no many words are needed to describe it. I can tell you, it is a natural reserve; it is protected by the WWF and if you are luck you can have the chance to see a Flamingos.
The magic thing of this place is that you are surrounded by small crystals; you can touch them: they look like snow flakes; and you can lick them: they are salty, very salty!

Where is it?
Shhh… it is a secret place!

and I want to go back there… with you!

How much do I miss you in a scale of 1 to 10?!?!?

Guess the word of the day…


“…But if you’re not ready for love
How can you be ready for life?
How can you be ready for life?

So let’s love fully
And let’s love loud
Let’s love now
‘Cause soon enough we’ll die.”

Soko – we might be dead by tomorrow

The butterfly circus


sometimes we don’t really understand what we have.
sometimes we don’t realize the powerful that we bring inside us.
sometimes we just have to wait and try our best to find our way.
just one thing is for sure…we never have to lose heart…we will become a butterfly soon or later…every one of us is wonderful.

i miss you…i’m finding my way…i’m learning how to fly, even though sometimes is hard…i will fly one day.